יחידות מטבע | השער | % שינוי |
דולר | 3.567 | +0.706 |
אירו | 3.7332 | +0.993 |
ליש"ט | 4.5103 | +1.01 |
100 יין | 2.3699 | +0.492 |
אורך | שטח | נפח | משקל |
In the period 1st January to 31st March 2024, Borchard Lines’ schedule reliability has remained at its high levels, averaging 96% on time. This is in comparison to a global industry average of less than 50%, according to Sea-Intelligence.
Current times require importers and exporters to choose their transportation carefully. Also many are choosing to source closer to home. For many years cargo has moved to large ships from destinations far away. The unreliability of such service and port pairings means many are looking for new alternatives. In Europe and the Mediterranean options are returning. Unnecessary warehousing is expensive. Choosing reliable shipping and trucking can provide long term savings.